
\(\chi^2\) Goodness of Fit

Ethnicity Asian Black Hispanic White Other Total
Obs. count 49 10 34 206 55 354
Exp. count 15.22 7.08 44.25 272.58 14.87 354

\[ Z_{asian}^2 = (49 - 15.2)^2/15.2 = 75.16 \\ Z_{black}^2 = (10 - 7.08)^2/7.08 = 1.20 \\ Z_{hispanic}^2 = (34 - 44.25)^2/44.25 = 2.37 \\ Z_{white}^2 = (206 - 272.58)^2/272.58 = 16.26 \\ Z_{other}^2 = (55 - 14.87)^2/14.87 = 108.3 \]

\[ Z_{asian}^2 + Z_{black}^2 + Z_{hispanic}^2 + Z_{white}^2 + Z_{other}^2 = 203.29 = \chi^2_{obs} \]


Which of the following is an appropriate null hypothesis?

  1. Ethnic diversity and choice of college are independent of one another.
  2. Ethnic diversity and home-state are independent of one another.
  3. \(p_{asian} = p_{black} = p_{hispanic} = p_{white} = p_{other}\).
  4. The first-year class at Reed is sampled from a population that shares the same ethnic distribution as Oregon.

Goodness of Fit Test

\(H_0\): The first-year class at Reed is sampled from a population that shares the same ethnic distribution as Oregon.

\[ p_{asian} = .043, \quad p_{black} = .02, \quad p_{hispanic} = .125, \quad p_{white} = .77, \quad p_{other} = .042 \]

\(H_A\): The first-year class at Reed is sampled from a population that has a different ethnic distribution than Oregon.

At least one \(p\) is different.

Constructing the Null Distribution

  1. Simulation: simulate many first-year Oregonian Reedie classes and calculate the \(\chi^2\) for each.
  2. Probability Theory: multinomial distribution. \(X \sim \textrm{multinom}(n, p_1, p_2, p_3, p_4, p_5)\).
  3. Chi-Squared Approximation: if conditions are reasonable, the \(\chi^2\) will follow a known distribution under the null hypothesis.

Conditions for the \(\chi^2\) approximation

  1. Independent observations
  2. Each expected cell count is \(\ge\) 5
  3. \(k \ge 3\)

then our statistic can be well-approximated by the \(\chi^2\) distribution with \(k - 1\) degrees of freedom.

Finding a p-value



1 - pchisq(203.29, df = 4)
## [1] 0

We reject the hypothesis that the Reed first-year class represents a random sample from Oregon w.r.t ethnicity.

Degrees of Freedom

The number of independent ways by which a dynamic system can move, without violating any constraint imposed on it. (wikipedia)

Degrees of Freedom

The number of parameters that are free to vary, without violating any constraint imposed on it.


\[ p_{asian}, p_{black}, p_{hispanic}, p_{white}, p_{other} \]

Since \(\sum_{i = 1}^k p_i = 1\), one of our parameters is contrained, leaving \(k-1\) that are free to vary.

Shape of the \(\chi^2\)

Confidence Intervals for \(\chi^2\)

These make no sense. Why not?

  • We don't really care what the true \(\chi^2\) parameter value is.
  • A two-sided interval wouldn't make sense
    • Distribution is bounded on the left by zero
    • Only "extreme" values are in the right tail

\(\chi^2\) Independence

Example: Acupuncture

treatment <- rep(c("acu", "sham", "trad"), c(387, 387, 388))
pain <- c(rep(c("reduc", "noreduc"), c(184, 203)),
          rep(c("reduc", "noreduc"), c(171, 216)),
          rep(c("reduc", "noreduc"), c(106, 282)))
table(pain, treatment)
##          treatment
## pain      acu sham trad
##   noreduc 203  216  282
##   reduc   184  171  106

Constructing the Null Distribution

\(H_0\) implies that the associations between these two vectors are just due to chance, so we mirror that by randomizing the vectors to get another possible data set under the \(H_0\).

Randomization method

null_dist <- acu %>%
  specify(response = pain, explanatory = treatment) %>%
  hypothesize(null = "independence") %>%
  generate(reps = 1000, type = "permute") %>%
  calculate(stat = "Chisq")

Randomized Null Distribution

Randomized Null Distribution

The proportion of simulated \(\chi^2\) statistics under \(H_0\) that are greater than \(\chi^2_{obs}\) is 0 \(\rightarrow\) we reject the idea that pain is independent of treatment mode.

Using the \(\chi^2\) approximation

The mathematical approximation is good enough when

  1. Independent observations
  2. At least 5 expected counts in each cell
  3. Degrees of freedom \(\ge 2\)

\[ df = (R - 1) \times (C - 1) \]

  • \(R\): number of rows in table
  • \(C\): number of columns in table

\(\chi^2\) approximation

1 - pchisq(38.05, df = 2)
## [1] 5.46e-09

What have we learned about pain reduction?

  • Pain reduction does appear to be effected by the treatment method.
  • We don't yet know which pairwise comparisons are significant \(\rightarrow\) need to follow up with CIs on the differences in proportions.