
Let's say I survey the class and ask "Did you leave Reed College to travel during Spring Break". Out of 23 students, 14 of them or 60.8% said yes. Is this consistent with a claim that half of Reed students travel over spring break?

  1. Please write the infer code that would test this claim.
  2. Please write the infer code that compute a confidence interval for our statistic.
  • Dataset name: springbreak
  • Column name: travel, which takes values yes and no.

Making decisions with confidence intervals

Constructing a CI for \(p\)

  1. check conditions for using the normal approximation
  2. point estimate \(\pm\) margin of error (\(\hat{\theta}~\pm~z^{*}~\times~SE\))
  3. standard error

\[ SE_{\hat{p}} = \sqrt{\frac{p(1-p)}{n}} \]

We swap in \(\hat{p}\) for \(p\).

Extending to two proportions


Scientists predict that global warming may have big effects on the polar regions within the next 100 years. One of the possible effects is that the northern ice cap may completely melt. Would this bother you a great deal, some, a little, or not at all if it actually happened?

  1. A great deal
  2. Some
  3. A little
  4. Not at all

Are Reed Students different from a random sample of Americans?

GSS Survey data (2010)

response count
A great deal 454
Some 124
A little 52
Not at all 50
Total 680

\[\hat{p}_{US} = 454/680 \approx 0.67\]

Parameter of interest

Difference between the proportions of all Reed students and all Americans who would be bothered a great deal by the northern ice cap completely melting.

\[p_{Reed} - p_{US}\]

Point estimate

Difference between the proportions of sampled Reed students and sampled Americans who would be bothered a great deal by the northern ice cap completely melting.

\[\hat{p}_{Reed} - \hat{p}_{US}\]

Constructing a CI for \(p_1 - p_2\)

Details same as before:

  1. check conditions for using the normal approximation
  2. point estimate \(\pm\) margin of error
  3. standard error

\[ SE_{\hat{p}_1 - \hat{p}_2} = \sqrt{\frac{p_1(1-p_1)}{n_1} + \frac{p_2(1-p_2)}{n_2}} \]

We swap in \(\hat{p}_1\) and \(\hat{p}_2\) for \(p_1\) and \(p_2\).