
We meet in the laboratory (ETC 211) every Tuesday to tinker around with data and statistics. Our tool of choice is R, software that vastly amplifies your power to explore, visualize, and model data. Reed’s RStudio Server is accessible by going to and using your college login.

Every week you’ll be working with a new data set and organizing your work in an RMarkdown document. You should complete work on your lab by Thursday at 11:59 PM.

Lab Instructions

  1. Introduction to R and RStudio

  2. Thesis Tower Sampling

  3. Data Visualization

  4. Data Wrangling

  5. Benford’s Law

  6. The Building Blocks of Inference

  7. Inference for Catagorical Data

  8. Simple Linear Regression

  9. Simple Linear Regression II

  10. Multiple Linear Regression